Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Aaj Jaane Ki Zid Na Karo" - Shankar Tucker ft. Rohini Ravada

I wanted to share this video, another one of Shankar Tucker's amazing creations. Though the clarinet isn't as prominent as in the other video I posted, it still has a neat part. Even more beautiful, though, is this woman's singing as well as the lyrics. Also, check out his YouTube page, the Shrutibox, full of his incredible work.

I hope you enjoy "Aaj Janne Ki Zid Na Karo" featuring Rohini Ravanda on voice and Shankar Tucker on clarinet, keyboards, and tabla. (download audio HERE)

(Translation by Ayesha Kalijuvee)

Tonight, don’t insist on leaving
Sit here close to me
I will die 
I will be lost 
Don't say such things 
Tonight, don’t insist on leaving

Just ponder for a second
Why shouldn't I stop you? 
When my life leaves every time you go
I swear to you, my love  
Listen to my one request 
Tonight, don’t insist on leaving

Life is trapped in time's prison but 
These are the few moments that are free 
By losing them, my love 
Don't start a life of regret 
Tonight, don’t insist on leaving

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