The Choma Academy of Music is a music school located in Zambia, Africa where students are given the opportunity to receive formal music education while at the same time being given access to assistance for traditional schooling, AIDS and human trafficking prevention education, basic needs provisions, and career development/vocation skills training. There "Music... offer[s] an alternative to a life lived in fear of sickness and slavery. The Academy of Music in Choma, Zambia is battling AIDS and human trafficking by offering students life through the arts."

A colleague and friend of mine, Derek Thompson, will be traveling to Zambia this summer to teach music, bring along much needed music supplies, and to help to grow this institution which is helping to combat the issues of poverty, AIDS, and human trafficking. If you are able, please consider making a donation to help fund his trip. Donations of any size will make a difference! All donations will be used for travel costs, living expenses, and music supplies for the academy. Learn more about Derek and what he will be doing in Zambia at his fundraising page HERE.
The Choma Academy of Music Facebook Page can be found HERE.